We have currently suspended all of our physical services until further notice.

Our info@musicalkeys.co.uk address is being monitored but please allow 3-5 days for a response.

The ‘In My Own Time, Online’ 1:1 digital service will continue to run throughout the suspension and all active participants have been informed.

We will endeavour to provide regular updates and further information as/when we can; if you have any concerns about our response or guidance please email us at info@musicalkeys.co.uk or visit our Facebook page.

If you suspect that you, or someone you care for have symptoms resembling those of COVID19 the NHS is asking people with internet access to use the dedicated COVID19 111 Online Service. This will take you through the same questions asked by staff at the 111 Telephone Service. To visit the online 111 service (click here).

Using the Online Service for COVID19 queries is quicker than making a phone call, you will not have to wait for your call to be taken, and pressure will be eased on the 111 Telephone Service – which is stretched at present – to be available for those who do not have internet access, those who have been directed to make a phone call by using the 111 Online Service first, and those calling with non-COVID19 related health queries.